Premise for rent Sopot, Sopot Dolny, Bohaterów Monte Cassino
4 400 zł
Offer no. : YON-LW-800
Building type :Premise
Surface:18 m²
Offer no.: YON-LW-800
Size: 18,00 m²
Building type: office-service
Costs included in House community fee: administration, cleaning, co, common parts, Current, electric energy usage, garbage disposal, heating, hot nad cold water, Monitoring, protection, Sewage export, Water, water, a lump sum for water
Condition: for registration
Windows: aluminium
Premises utility: Office Supplies
Access: asphalt
Heating: central
Lift: yes
Disabled- friendly: yes
Parking available: yes
Floors: covering
Filip ChrzanowskiDyrektor Działu Nieruchomości Komercyjnych
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of a visual inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, it may be updated and does not constitute an offer specified in art. 66 et seq. K.C
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